Silk-Screen Printing

It is a decorating technique whereby a screen’s mesh is used to transfer ink onto packaging.
This multi color technique uses UV or conventional inks and it is recommended for up to 3 colors.
It is important to acknowledge that plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene need to be flamed treated in order to have ink adhesion to container.

Off-set Printing

Each color of the artwork is transferred to a single plate which will transfer ink directly onto packaging by using a rotary wheel system with a one-pass full decoration.
This technique is ideal for 4 colors or more, exact ink placement for complex multi-color artworks and quick production completion.


Pressure sensitive labels use adhesive to be applied to packaging. These labels are printed using digital or flexographic technologies therefore resolution and colors flexibility is optimal.
It is critical to asses and determine how to print your labels.
Flexography startup costs and project lead-time may be high due specially to the creation of flexible printing plates and production equipment setup but cost for medium-to-high label production runs is significantly low when compared to digital.
Digital becomes the best option when label production runs are low, project is time sensitive and there is minimal budget for equipment since you only need a computer, an ink jet or laser printer.

Hot Stamping

This technique uses heated rubber or steel die’s to apply foil onto packaging. Due to the shining effect it is typically used with gold and silver foil.

In-Mold Labeling

A polypropylene (PP) label is placed in the container mold. Then the molten PP is added to the mold. It fuses with the label and upon cooling it takes the shape of the mold. Therefore the label becomes the actual packaging.
It provides robustness, maximum print quality, moisture resistance, shorter production time and sustainability by being an entire code 5 packaging.

Why inclusive packaging decorating instead of a blank one?

Most of our suppliers operate in-house advanced decorating departments in order to provide a package ready for the filling line, this turnkey solution benefits customers by:

  • Eliminating processing time and shipping cost of blank packaging to decorating companies
  • Avoiding print or package damage due to reduced handling across the supply chain
  • Saving money on standard losses involved when decorating companies set up equipment
  • Getting higher quality decoration